100 days later

Yesterday marked the 100th day of Lockdown in the UK. Bits and pieces of society are returning to a sort of normal but, basically, Lockdown continues. And, given what happened in Leicester, it may be a kind of rolling on again, off again Lockdown from now on.

Leicester had a spike in cases which was declared serious enough to delay the opening of their pubs this weekend. One person I used to follow on Twitter was furious at this. He went to the trouble of hiring a couple of big coaches to take him and his drinking mates to nearby Nottingham where the pubs would be open.

He managed to fill them both before realising he’d have to cancel the whole thing because it was a bit stupid. So he did. That didn’t stop him railing against the world. He voted for Brexit and cheered when the vote to cease FOM was announced so he’s quite used to railing against the world.

I stopped following him on Twitter when I realised he was a fascist. I can try and educate, argue, debate with racists, xenophobes and other stupidities but there’s a point at which I just throw in the towel. Fascism is my benchmark.

Anyway, enough of that nonsense.

After shopping, which featured a funny old chat with Pamela in Waitrose, I worked out then pottered about the house.

The weather, which had been lovely to begin with, degenerated over the course of the day. There was a lot of drenching with intermittent torrents. At one point I was in my office and I couldn’t see the raised bed for the amount of falling water.

During one of the few lulls in rain, I popped up to the greenhouse to check on my tomatoes. Roma and Shirley are both doing well, already starting to climb towards the light. Moneymaker and Ailsa look fine but are not stretching up so much.

It’s good that Mirinda has posted a guard on the potting table. Though, apart from scaring intruders, I’m not sure how it’s going to protect my tommies.

Late in the day I received a surprise parcel. Actually, it wasn’t a surprise. I ordered it yesterday after seeing it on Instagram being proudly displayed by the Romanian ambassador to the UK. After a quick look at the contents, I ordered it.

Apart from some delicious sounding recipes, there is also a whole section on pickling and preserving which I will wholeheartedly embrace.

It’s another book with real, home style recipes in it. Just the kind I love.

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