The spinning room

After a lovely start to the week, the weather has turned all grey and gloomy. No rain but looking like it constantly. It’s also quite cold.

Poor Mirinda seems to have caught the same bug I had on Sunday. She had a breakfast meeting which she just managed to get through without throwing up on the woman she was meeting…who may have been a Dame. (Actually, thinking about it, throwing up on a Dame you are meeting for breakfast would make a brilliant blog post.)

As soon as the meeting was over she hopped into a cab and locked herself away in the flat for the day. She sort of snoozed/watched TV most of the day, sipping water and suffering. She went to bed ridiculously early and slept through.

This morning she texted to say she was on her way to a Visual FX seminar for work and was feeling heaps better. So that’s good.

We think it was a bug and nothing to do with food. Apart from the vomity feeling, a lot of the symptoms were similar to flu with the addition of a bit of dizziness. It was all a bit weird. Still, we came through without turning into zombies or losing all sense of taste so that has to be a good thing.

After the gym, I shopped as usual then headed home to a blog software problem…which I fixed without too much trouble. Actually it was a bit fiddly and time consuming but was something I could fix so it wasn’t too bad.

Our walk in the park was pretty much uneventful. The highlight was washing Emma’s feet because they were very muddy.

Late afternoon I made a Selfie Spin.

And that was my Wednesday.

Meanwhile in Parliament, Brexit is one step closer with the House of Commons voting to trigger Article 50. It now goes to the House of Lords who have been told by some MPs that if they vote against the motion they will be in danger of ceasing to exist.

I’m assuming that is not what any normal person would think of as coercion or blackmail or anything nefarious.

Or maybe it’s just what it is.

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2 Responses to The spinning room

  1. Mirinda says:

    Actually made me feel sick

    Buy an apple

  2. Mum Cook says:

    You and me both, It was good but to much spinning you should have done a bit of spinning then a bit without spinning not that I know if that can be done. Whooo glad you where not sick on the Dame who ever she was you might have been put in to the Stocks!!!!! hahaha You are such a clever son love ya Mum xxxx

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