Mirinda returned to work today, having almost removed the foul illness from her system, and I escorted her to the station. We had a lovely (though frostily slippy) walk along the park path, the day being gorgeous and chilly. I bade her farewell and went shopping.
I had two more calendars to post so, after the usual at Starbucks, I popped into the extremely crowded post office. Amazingly, there was even a queue for the automatic machines. Unheard of! Of course, the people using the automatic machines were novices and took far longer than they are designed for. In fact, they had a post office employee next to them, showing people how to use them. I thought this deliciously ironic. When it came to my turn I let him know I would not be requiring his aid.
I managed to push my way through the crowds waiting for one of the humans and escape, having taken only ten minutes. As I walked through the doors, the queue was starting to move into the street. I heard on Breakfast this morning that today was the final day for Christmas posting, which explains a lot. There’ll probably be about three people there tomorrow morning.
I shopped and wandered home, enjoying the weather and the various hellos from everyone who walked by. How bucolic it all was.
Back at home, having been assaulted by the dogs, I set up the camera on the tripod and snapped away with my remote. (Day-z always thinks this is quite odd. I stand in the kitchen with the remote in my hand and she tends to stand in the doorway watching me, a quizzical look on her face. Carmen is usually asleep in the lounge)
The bird varieties were greater whenever the camera was pointed somewhere else but I managed a few nice shots of a blue tit. This one is giving me a rather sly look back, just before flying off.
Walking in the park with the poodles today, I spotted a woodpecker digging away at what I can only assume was a worm. I tried to get closer but the dogs spooked it a bit. I managed to get a few shots from distance (with the telephoto lens). This is a combination of two shots showing both sides.
Having looked it up on the RSPB identifier website, it would appear it is a female green woodpecker – the male has red on the cheeks as well as the head. Also, the RSPB identifier website says they search the ground, feeding on ants.
The walk in the park (the second since her operation) proved a bit tiring for Carmen. When she walks around, her limp gradually gets more pronounced. Then, once home, she more or less collapses into a deep curative sleep. OK, she does the same when she’s healthy as well but then it’s from exhaustion due to squirrel chasing. Still, she’s getting better as each day progresses. Although she still can’t jump up onto the bed unaided.
The weather which started so delightful, took a bad turn late in the day. At about 6pm, the wind lashed the windows and the rain started. I popped outside with Day-z at about 8pm and the trees in the park were making a hell of a noise. It was all quite scary. We both came back in quite quickly.
Very clever with the woodpecker. Our post office is the same
love mum