Another somewhat busy day today. Apart from the usual shopping first thing, I had a few admin things before we headed up to the recycling place (what used to be called the dump) to rid ourselves of some no longer needed stuff. Then the garden centre.
What is it with the British that they see going to the garden centre on a Sunday as an actual family day out? As a child, the thought of going to a shop would not have had a lot of appeal. Even a toy shop starts to be boring when all you want to do is play.
And, because today was lovely, weatherwise, there were many families treating their tots to the delights of seeds, winter shrubs and big frost proof pots. I’ll never understand it. Also it’s worse this time of year because the whole place is full of Chrissy tat. Mirinda suggested that perhaps the kids were there to see Santa but he doesn’t arrive for at least another week so it can’t be that.
It did make me wonder how parents manage to continue the fiction that Santa only visits once a year and it’s bad luck if a child sees him when Santa appears to be everywhere there’s a till.
All of that aside, we managed to buy my weight in tulip bulbs (to finish off the new lavender bed), a load of chicken wire and 12 associated supports. There were also a few odds and ends (magazine, socks, wrapping paper, oven tray, etc) that we simply couldn’t do without.
Finally back at the house, Mirinda took the dogs to Frensham while I tackled the fencing that has for the week cut off the back of the garden. The grass still needs protecting (Mirinda reckons it’ll need protecting until next spring) but we can’t have half the garden inaccessible.
So, rather than a line of fencing across the path, I set to fencing in the grass instead.
I managed to finish before the sun had completely gone, plunging the garden into blackness. I’m pretty sure it’ll keep the girls off…
Tonight we had delicious Persian roast chicken. It was bloody good.
Dinner sounds good. love mum xxxx