In May 2014, I met a chap from Sliderobes at the flat in order to have a wardrobe fitted and the removal of the existing one. After his visit, he sent me the paperwork and I agreed, leaving him to work out a date. He never responded and we had quite a few things going on in Farnham so it never happened.
Fast forward to today when I met another chap from Sliderobes at the flat to reorder the same wardrobe. It was a different chap because the one from last year is “no longer with the company.”
It takes me roughly two hours door to door so I set off at 10am for our midday meeting having taken the girls for an early walk.
I’d met Sue while we were walking. She had Pippa and Pippa’s son, Bertie, who is a big boy resembling Rodney. Given his father was a golden retriever, this is not surprising.
Of course the girls went mad the moment they realised it was Sue and naturally we stopped to chat.
Sadly Sue’s dad died this week. He’s not been well for a while now, having suffered a number of strokes so it wasn’t unexpected but, of course, it’s always difficult.
I expressed my condolences and we finished our walk with time left for Day-z’s bath before I had to leave.
Jonathon, the new Sliderobes chap, turned up about four minutes after I did. Because the measuring and choices had been made last year, it was all very easy this time. In fact, he left 20 minutes later with the promise that the office would be in touch later in the day.
And so, after being at the flat for only half an hour, I retraced my steps back to the house…though I did stop off at Waterloo to finally see the commemorative plaque placed on the upper level of the station back in June. It remembers the fallen at the Battle of Waterloo which was fought 200 years ago last June.
It’s a very big version of the medals struck at the time of the battle and given to the brave soldiers who took part.
Of course, as we all should know, Waterloo Station is not actually named after the battle but after the bridge…which IS named after the battle. However, the powers that be figured the station was a better place for it.
Then, finally, Farnham. I do love going into town but I think a big part of that love is being able to come home to the green of Surrey afterwards.
Heavens all that for only half an hour!
That’s what I was going to say, still you had to be there lets hope they do it this time.
Love mum xx