I was happily tidying up the lounge room today and had the windows open. One of the best things about this time of year is the heady aroma of the wisteria which seems to flow off the front of the house. It is intoxicating. I like to think that anyone coming to our front door will be equally as entranced with not just the aroma but also by the thousands of insects buzzing around it.
The other big happening in the garden today (following yesterday’s magnificent poppy) is the first yellow rose on the new standard I planted back at the end of April. And so, in the interests of fair play and all that, here’s a photo for grandma.
And I’ve just noticed that today marks the 101st anniversary of the launching of the Titanic from Belfast. But I guess everyone knew that already. Perhaps a little less known, however…today marks the 80th anniversary of the discovery of the neutron by James Chadwick.
And your Grandma passed away two days before you put her rose in your blog 29th May, but I am sure she thinks it is lovely.
Thank you. The front of your house looks good too the Wisteria
is great and the perfume must be heavenly.
Love mum