And so our Grand Tour begins.
Train 1: Vagnhärad to Norrköping
We left the girls in the capable hands of the Belgians while Jonas drove us to Vagnhärad for our first train. KSP had volunteered but was then co-opted by the Coop to discuss the merits of Danish pork, so Jonas was volunteered to drive us.
Mirinda had allowed quite a substantial buffer so we sat on the platform hoping the train wouldn’t be the usual late arrival.

And, surprise, surprise it was on time.
Our journey to Norrköping was pretty uneventful though I could have done without the person drinking a can of sugared energy, across the aisle from me. Why do they do it? It can’t be good for them. And they smell disgusting.
Not my problem, I guess and they did get off at Nyköping.
Train 2: Norrköping to Malmö
Norrköping station is a delight. No stairs, no lifts, no confused mass of empty shops, just a good old level walk from platform 6a to 1. Of course, there’s no indication as to where the carriage you booked is going to wind up. It’s not Japan, after all.
Of course, we were standing at the wrong end and had to race to the front of the train. We made it and took our very comfortable seats in Vagn 1.
I do have to ask. Why are some windows blocked with these big sheets of metal?

Mirinda thought they were curtains but, no, I tapped one. Seems a terrible waste of view.
Anyway, Mirinda didn’t like having them between her and the outside so she went and sat somewhere more conducive to her well being. She booked the seats so I felt fully justified in blaming her.
The only incident worth reporting was a chap who clearly did not have a first class ticket. He tried to take a couple of the free mandarins but was grabbed by the guard.
According to Mirinda, the two of them had a very civilised chat but, eventually, the mandarin thief admitted defeat, handed over the mandarins and left the carriage with his garbage bag full of possessions.
Arriving in Malmö, we spent a lovely time walking around. In Mirinda’s case it was a revisit but it was all new to me.
We visited the new, modern bit, crossing an amazing counterlever bridge with the biggest counterweight I’ve ever seen.

We had a brief stop at Mirinda’s favourite burger place where we had a very enjoyable drink before heading for the old town.
In the town square, the summer restaurants are all covered over, heated by terrace burners, and buzzing with activity. The food was excellent, the booze brilliant. Sadly the waiter wasn’t particularly nice.
There was, however, a woman working there who was remarkably kind.
I was headed for the very scary spiral staircase to the toilet when, noticing my stick, she guided me to the staff toilet which was on the same level.
Waiter aside, it was a very pleasant interlude before we returned to Malmö Central and our next train.
Train 3: Malmö to Trelleborg
There was a big hockey game on in Hyllie tonight. I know because the previously empty train was suddenly packed with fans. Unlike British football fans after a game, they were all remarkably well behaved.
Mind you, the average age of the fans was about 10.

It wasn’t long before we reached Trelleborg and the warmth of the station where we waited to board the ferry.
The ferry we’ve been on so many times before though, usually, with the dogs. The ferry which would be our bed for the night.
Though there was a moment of worry when no one came to pick us up. I called the person on the other end of the speaker in the box where you check in. She said the man would pick us up in a few minutes and to wait.
Eventually, two chaps in flouro outfits drive us to the car deck and we headed for our cabin. We were the only foot passengers.
Ferry 1: Trelleborg to Rostock

Next stop, Germany.
Exciting to follow you. Almost IRL. Thanks.
Yes, really nice to tag along.
Mirinda’s favorite burger place…hmm…
Glad you’re both enjoying your train/ferry adventures
so far! 🤗❤️