Trosa to Nyköping and back again

Yesterday, Nicoline had a problem with her car. It left her stranded outside ICA, refusing to work. She rang me but, because we were having lunch, and I’m super slack, I didn’t get the message for an hour. In that time, she had organised the car to be towed away and fixed and managed to get hold of someone who keeps their phone on to drive her home. Needless to say, I was very apologetic.

Then, today, Nicoline had to go and collect her car in Nyköping. Obviously, we said we’d drive her.

We packed the girls into the car and headed over to Hot Yoga to pick her up.

Speaking of the girls, earlier in the day, I’d picked up Emma’s ointment from the chemist. The assistant who served me was also called Emma. When, like a proud father showing photos of his newly born child, I showed her this recent photo of Emma, she said she was beautiful.

I agreed with her, as if I had anything to do with it.

As well as dropping Nicoline off at her car, we also wanted to get some things for the girls at the big pet shop on the edge of Nyköping, which we did, leaving Nicoline in the warmth of the car, keeping the girls company.

Actually, the big pet shop on the edge of Nyköping is one of a few other big shops in what would be called a Trading Estate, in the UK.

There is an awful lot of parking but barely a two-way road around it. This confused Mirinda, causing her to veer off the road and drive a little haphazardly around the parked cars like they were the posts in some oversized slalom course.

Having successfully bought leads, flashing lights and pants, we dropped Nicoline off then headed home via the scenic route. Given our impending departure, there was a flurry of activity around the house. I’ll be glad to get away and have a rest on Saturday.

I thought it only right to include a photo of Freya as well.

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2 Responses to Trosa to Nyköping and back again

  1. Mirinda says:

    We finally have flashing lights for the dogs for winter walking. I’ve never liked them but can see they are really important here. How do the wolves manage?

  2. Fi says:

    Awww! I miss Emma + Freya! ❤️❤️
    Yes, flashing lights at night for the girls
    is a great idea!

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