I have to say that the biggest thing that happened today was a jolly good flushing of our pipes by Super Harald, the greatest living plumber in Sweden. If not the world. Armed with a hard core Karcher pressure machine, he forced the blockage in our pipes into some sort of oblivion further down the line.
It didn’t go easy, this homemade fatberg. It clung on to the sides of the pipes, about six metres down, poking a greasy tongue out at any efforts at dislodgement. It was defiant, strong and growing bigger by the day.
But, eventually and through sheer determination, Harald saved the day.
And he hadn’t been that confident, telling us that we might need to employ a pipe clearance company that had a much bigger machine. They, he said, would certainly clear it if he was unable to. Then, in a supreme effort, he did it, destroying the evil gloopy mess and saving our sink.
What a guy.
And, from one menace to another…
My arch nemesis was attacked today with some new signage in the woods. He and his poxy, smelly, noisy piece of shit moped are officially banned. Okay, the sign is a bit small and I’m not sure that he can read. After all, he ignores the big NO MOPEDS signs at the entrance and exit to the woods. But at least it’s something.

For non-Swedes, it says that motorised vehicles are not allowed in the area. I like the fact that it’s bright red but wish it was way bigger and more prominent. Still, it’s a start and shows that someone, somewhere, is with me in my fight against the Moped Menace.
What Trump said today
Splitting the atom? No, numpty, it was Ernest Rutherford of New Zealand. America invented the Internet? No, again, twonko, it was Briton, Tim Burners-Lee. How about someone from China declares that they landed people on the moon first and then apartheid South Africa can claim that they invented Elon Musk.
Oh, wait…
Worse than his lies, Trump also allowed the traitors who stormed the capital on January 6, to go free. That’s about as bad as a supposed great leader should be. Though, of course, it will just mean that Trump has some more thickos to command. And then, of course, while declaring that Mexican drug cartels are terrorist organisations, he also freed the far right Proud Boys.
Trump also said, that he was saved from the assassin by god because the almighty wanted him to succeed. So, if that’s true, how come god didn’t stop the gunman doing anything at all? And why did god let Corey Comperatore die instead?
Could it be because god is non-existent and Trump is cuddling up to the stupid? Actually, he reminds me a bit of Constantine. He used a bunch of thickos to increase the numbers of his army in order to regain power.
So, with easily proven lies, he recruits evangelical Christians and convicted traitors. These are his drooling, knuckle dragging followers. America is heading, not towards greatness, but backwards, into its own abyss of hate and division. Pity them.
I’m not sure who will successfully dislodge the orange fatberg.