Last full day in Trosa

Being a Sunday, and the last one that Fi will spend in Trosa this trip, it was decided that it was only right to have brunch at Tre Små Rum. And, of course, the eggs were marvellous. In fact, Fi raved about the quality of the scrambled eggs, saying they were the best she’d ever tasted and her favourite meal in the whole world. She was exceptionally and predictably pleased.

And the weather was perfect for her as well. The ice has, largely, gone, and the sky was delightfully blue.

Of course the cafe was packed by the time we left though we did manage to get our usual table when we arrived.

It’s all about the timing when it comes to Tre Små Rum on a Sunday.

Brunch starts at 11am, so it’s important not to arrive before that. By midday, the crowds have started to pack in. By 1pm, forget it; the place is oversubscribed and under-spaced. This week, we timed it to perfection.

Afterwards, we had a short stroll up to the Coop. As we passed the display window of the shoe shop, two perfect sized suitcases almost yelled out to me to be noticed. The parrot bag, which has seen active international service for a while, is acting up and needs replacing. And we need luggage for Portugal.

Unfortunately, the shop isn’t open on a Sunday. Mirinda suggested we pop in tomorrow before heading into Stockholm. Excellent idea, I said.

Back at home, Mirinda and Fi took the dogs for a lovely walk while I pottered around, mostly learning about Swedish grammar. Given last night’s excesses, my brain wasn’t working at 100% though it was a bit better than Fi’s.

And, a little later at our språkcafé, Nicoline taught me a new word. It is ‘bakis‘ and accurately describes how we were feeling.

Speaking of last night, here’s a photo of Fi and a crayfish. KSP took it and I think it’s just wonderful. Note the two bottles in the foreground and within Fi’s reach. One is schnapps, the other vodka. Says it all, really.

What did Donald do today

Trump announced that the Presidential Inauguration would now be held indoors because the weather is set to be very cold on Monday. Some commentators have said it was so that the crowds would seem bigger in a 20,000 capacity ice hockey stadium. No-one seems to know what will happen to the 200,000 weirdos with tickets. Maybe they’ll storm the stadium in a strange homage to the January 6 insurrectionists.

Of course, it could just be that poor old Donald is frightened of catching a chill. After all, he’s not made of very strong stuff. Real men, like Obama and JFK, were inaugurated in much colder conditions. Poor Donald. He seems more a fellow to pity, than a figure to follow.

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