Staying alive

Sometimes, I watch a zombie movie upon returning from New Year’s celebrations. I used to watch one of my five favourite movies but, ever since our DVD player met the fate of other obsolete technologies, I’ve switched to watching the undead on Netflix.

Of course, this year we had guests who kept us up until 4am so it was all I could do to stay awake long enough to get to bed, let along watch a movie. Instead, I moved ahead a few hours and watched one in the afternoon.

Obviously, being excited about Pizza Dagen, I didn’t mention it in yesterday’s post, so I’m writing about it today.

I’m definitely a Bill Murray fan. I am also a Jim Jarmusch fan. When I discovered The Dead Don’t Die on Netflix, I knew it had to be my zombie pick for 2025.

It is accurately described as an absurdist comedy. Life (and death) in a rural American town turn a bit odd when the dead reanimate and start to over run the place, and eat the living. While the film didn’t score very highly with critics, I very much enjoyed it.

I particularly liked the touches of self referencing. And the odd, Scottish funeral director, played by Tilda Swinson. And the rest of the stellar cast. It was all excellent fun.

However, that was yesterday. Today, early on, Mirinda and Fi left for their jaunt to Göteborg, leaving me and the girls to fend for ourselves for a few days. Not long after 8am, the house became delightfully quiet. Well, apart from Freya’s snoring.

I didn’t do a lot apart from laundry and checking out the electrics both in the house and in the stuga.

A few weeks ago, the lights in the shower room stopped working. I have no idea why. Mirinda put out a call for the electricians but hasn’t heard back from them. I took the opportunity today to turn all the power off, then turn it back on again. What rarely fails in computing, did bugger all in this instance.

The problem in the stuga appears to be affecting most of the lights and not the power points. It also seems to have affected the heater. I had a fiddle around but, again, to no avail. I reported my failure and Mirinda sent out another call to the electricians. Hopefully they’ll respond soon.

Other than the short trip to the stuga, I didn’t go outside. The girls popped out a few times to go to the toilet, but they, too, were happy to stay in the warmth. Particularly Freya. Of course, there was a bit of ball throwing up the corridor for Emma.

We had a delivery early on. The poor Post Nord delivery driver had to trudge through the snow on the deck. His cheerful demeanour belied the conditions he was forced to walk through.

I’ll have to go to the shops tomorrow and take the girls for a walk so, hopefully, the sky will be as blue, the snow as deep and the dead stay that way. Oh, and hopefully my foot won’t complain too much.

What a lazy start to 2025.

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