Today, back in 2019, I ordered my first ever tailor made suit. I hadn’t worn it for ages, not having the occasion for such a fancy piece of wardrobe. I wanted to wear it for our Fina Fisken julbord and was concerned it wouldn’t fit. And I was wrong and relieved in equal measure. It not only still fitted me, it still looked splendid. Fi took this photo to prove it.

But that was back in December, today I wasn’t dressed quite so formally. Though I was wearing the same shoes. It was a risk with my extra toe still being a bit scabby but I had to go shopping and really wanted to get out of the house, so it was a risk I took.
Of course, it was the coldest day of the year so far which meant excessive rugging up and a jolly trudge through the snow. Fortunately, I enjoyed all of that.
Apart from anything else, it felt good venturing outside and my Icebugs kept me upright. I really love my Icebugs. Mind you, I made sure to wriggle my toes a fair few times in order to make sure they weren’t frozen. Though there wasn’t much I could do about my cold nose.
By the time I got back home, I had a message from Nicoline asking if I’d like a lift to the ICA to save me walking in the ice and snow. The message had been sent much earlier but I didn’t want to stop and take my gloves off to read it.
Then, later in the day, as I was composing my latest Letter from Sweden, a knock came on the door. It was Nicoline bearing a packet of homemade croutons. She made them using the leftover bread from the New Year’s feast. I had some with my Reading Hour olives. They were most excellent fare.
Something else that was excellent was the view as I left the ICA this morning. Cold and beautiful.

And, while I was surviving the elements, Mirinda and Fi had a day with Charlie showing them her favourite bits of Göteborg. Mirinda said it was fab.