Pizza dagen

Following a very short sleep, there was a gathering in our lounge room as we waited for the return of the fisherman. Jonas didn’t manage to get up at 7am as he had threatened, three hours after going to bed. He slept in until 8am, after which he walked into town with his fishing gear. And so started his new year.

I woke up at 6am, thought I’d slept in as well, then realised I’d only been asleep for two hours and went back to sleep.

Then, as I said, we all gathered together. It was sometime shortly after Jonas returned with the news that he had caught and released a load of fish (though not as big a load as he has previously caught and released), that KSP informed us that it was Pizza Day.

Pizza is ridiculously popular in Sweden; it has been since at least the 1960’s. It stands to reason then, that on January 1, following mass celebrations seeing in the New Year, that hangovers are treated with the kind of respect that pizza can dish out.

I had not been looking forward to shopping today, so the sudden knowledge that it was Pizza Dagen made my heart flutter with delight. Of course, the fact that pizza is, in fact, my favourite food, may have contributed to my sheer joy.

And so, not long after the return of Jonas, and our delivery of him and KSP back to Nicoline’s, where their car waited patiently in the snow, we headed for Trosa centrum and Ankaret, our favourite pizza place. And it was heaving with excited Swedish families, celebrating the first day of 2025 in the best way possible.

While Mirinda and Fi had the ghastly banana curry and peanut monstrosity, I thoroughly enjoyed my proper huset pizza of ham, salami, mushrooms, and onions with, obviously, a beer. Having devoured our lunch, we left a little bit heavier in flesh and a little bit lighter in spirit.

As we slowly walked back to the car, Fi and I ran into Jim the poodle man as he was heading for the Coop. Mirinda had raced on ahead of us and missed seeing him but was not surprised that we had not only run into someone I knew but someone who knew Fi as well. It really is that kind of town.

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