A pink poodle called Rufus

So, while Fi was disappointed with a lack of snow at Christmas, tonight pretty much made up for it. After dinner, at Nicoline’s, the neighbourhood rejoiced in her squeals of delight as she lay down and made snow angels. Their joy was celebrated with fireworks exploding in the sky.

On the other hand, maybe the fireworks were heralding the new year as the old one left.

Like last year, we were invited to Nicoline’s intimate new year’s bash, along with KSP, Jonas, Lena and Mårten. Also, like last year, I made the main course while Mårten was in charge of the entrée and Jonas the dessert. And it was all splendid fare.

Duck liver pate on toast, Persian lamb with plums and preserved lemon stew and homemade ice cream sitting on a brownie and topped off with meringue. And, of course, the food was accompanied by a few gallons of wine.

As well as the food, there were also games. Fun games that had us all in stitches, revealing things about ourselves that may or may not have been true. A game that saw us guessing songs and when they were released, which had a strange bug in it that sometimes played a song purporting to be by Leo Sayer but wasn’t anything of the sort.

Mostly, we chatted and laughed, enjoying the dregs of 2024 as 2025 heaved into view. There were many stories. Too many glasses of wine make it very difficult to remember all of them, though, at one stage, I was asked what drugs I’d taken throughout my life and told the story about the guy and the tiger and the tabs of acid.

Mårten told me a non drug related story about a pink poodle called Rufus. And Jonas helped me try to convince the rest of the party people that test cricket is an amazing game and it’s well worth learning the laws. Sadly we failed in our endeavour but, never mind, one day they’ll crack under the onslaught in order to just shut us up.

It was a marvellous way to celebrate the year just gone, along with our favourite Swedes. Thank you, Nicoline for a marvellous New Year’s Eve.

After the party, KSP and Jonas came back and stayed in the stuga because Jonas was going fishing at about 7am. A remarkable feat given he didn’t go to bed till around 4am.

PS: I discovered tonight that I’ve been spelling Lena’s name completely wrong. Unfortunately, I can’t remember the correct way but will fix it when I can.

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