The End

I have decided to give this blog a rest. Firstly, because I’m essentially housebound and, secondly, because I don’t feel I have anything to say.

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3 Responses to The End

  1. Nicoline says:

    Well, I will definitely miss it. Has become part of my morning routine. And a good way to know what you are up to. And I enjoy your language and thoughts. And, the very best, it is great fun to know in advance what Mirinda is going to tell me… 🤪
    Now, as a compromise, how about a short thing in Swedish everyday. It would be part of the ”Frukost-språk-cafe”!

  2. Kristina S. Pettersson says:

    Continue. Please!!❤️

  3. Mirinda says:

    Well perhaps a couple of days rest.., a bloggsabbathdag

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