Return of the birthday boy

We hadn’t seen Jason for a while, not since he moved into his shared living space in Stockholm. And, given tomorrow is his birthday, we decided to give him a little celebration. Mirinda almost made him a cake but decided it was a lot easier to buy a giant mazarin from the ICA and put a couple of candles on it. There was no argument from me. I do love a mazarin. Giant or otherwise.

He turned up after his Swedish class, his backpack heavy with six gratefully received, cans of Bellmans, and joined us in the new lounge room configuration, which Mirinda amended slightly, for an extended chat about his adventures during the last few months. And speculation around the next few.

After a number of drinks and lots of chat, he and Mirinda (and the girls) headed into Trosa for a night time walk along the boardwalk while I prepped and, finally, made dinner for us all.

I had asked Jason what he’d like for dinner at Chez Gaz. Stupidly, I worded this question wrong. I meant which standard meal from the Chez Gaz menu he’d like rather than anything in the world. Still, his choices weren’t too outlandish, so it was fine. I avoided the silverside and chose to make the steak with mushroom sauce.

On their way back from Trosa, Jason and Mirinda dropped into ICA for wood and marshmallows. Jason wanted to toast some. He was shocked that I’d never tried them before. I can safely say that that has now been remedied and will never happen again. I was not keen, particularly with the taste of stick thrown into the gooey mess.

Anyway, the whole night went off beautifully and we all had the best of times. I even sang while cooking, a sure indication of fun in the kitchen.

As is evident from the above photo, Jason managed to remove the cork from the wine bottle in one piece. He did it with ease and perfection. He has learned well.

PS: My gout bout is gradually easing. I could almost walk without a stick today. Looking good for a walk to the shops tomorrow.

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2 Responses to Return of the birthday boy

  1. Mirinda says:

    Well I put on candles, gold covered almonds, sparklers and spelt out hbj in pink sugarballs plus gave him the first mango gin from my precious bottle. So I think I did pretty well actually!

  2. Fi says:

    Sounds like Jason got very spoiled!!
    Looks like a very fun evening! Can’t wait to
    join in
    the fun and frivolity!!

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