Honey cream and cod

We were sitting out on the deck today when we were showered with tree pollen. Jason was telling us about his adventures in Stockholm yesterday and a strong wind had blown in, causing a lot of swaying in the timbers. It wasn’t long before the three of us were covered in tiny specks. Then Emma started sneezing. Freya, of course, slept on.

The breezy afternoon followed on from a morning made fresh by a cool breeze which helped push me towards the ICA first thing. I noted with some pleasure that the roadworks on Nyängsvägen seem to be very nearly completed. At least the big hole in the pavement had been filled in.

The work has been going on for quite a while and was starting to remind me of the big hole that took ages to fix just beyond the bend in the photo above. Still, it shouldn’t be too long now before the concrete walls come down and we pedestrians can once more trundle our trollies along unhindered by small ramps.

This morning, I was primarily shopping for tonight as we had dinner guests. Nicoline and Birgitta were coming over after gym class. I had decided to make cod and chorizo parcels with the old favourite, plum puffs with honey cream for dessert.

Jason was helping with service and wine. And, I am glad to announce, he finally managed to remove a cork from a bottle of wine without breaking it in half. The cork, not the bottle. He claimed he was going to keep the intact cork as a trophy. I wouldn’t be surprised to see it dangling from his neck at some stage.

We dined on the deck, given the pollen had finished falling. I think it was because it had all blown off earlier in the day and there was none left on the trees. Given it was safe to sit and talk, there was plenty of feisty chat about such far-reaching subjects as the wisdom of digging up the sea bed and Nicoline’s announcement that she heard the loud music on the weekend as well as Jason, after he retold the story of his discovery the other night.

We finished with Irish coffees, which were nowhere near as good as Nicoline’s.

Another jolly Chez Gaz dinner.

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