There was a bit of chainsaw action in the woods today. I was throwing a tennis ball for Emma, sitting by the back/front door, when a car parked on the track behind the house. Then the noise started. It didn’t take long before a tree fell, making a big cracking sound. There was then a period of cutting it up. It was a pity they didn’t come and chop up the ones that fell down behind us.
I have no idea why they chopped the tree down but they must have had their reasons.
It was just me and the girls at home to witness this, as Mirinda and Lisa had headed into Stockholm. They were suitably attired.

They were booked onto the obligatory Stromma archipelago tour with lunch. This was to be followed by an international panel discussing dance which nicely segued into a one woman protest dance outside parliament.
It was all jolly good fun and they returned home in time for a roasted salmon dinner at 7pm. The dancing protest sounded particularly bizarre.
At home, I wired a light up for the pantry. There was already a light in one of them but the second, the one I use for condiments, dog food and recycling, was decidedly dark a lot of the time. It made it quite difficult finding the Grillkrydda amid the sea of other spices.
Last week, when I was in Stockholm, I popped into Clas Ohlsen and bought the bits and pieces required and, as planned, today I set it all up.
It took a little while but, eventually, I had a working light. It made a huge difference.
Another difference, though not as huge as all that, was Lisa’s height when compared to her daughter, Anna’s.
I have been marking people’s height against a piece of wood in the kitchen. Jocke started it with marks of his son and daughter’s heights over the years; I decided to continue it with our Red House guests. So, last night, I placed Lisa’s height on it.
She refused to believe that Anna was taller than her. But, as I always say, “The stick don’t lie.“

Actually, I don’t think I’ve ever said that but, nevertheless, it’s true.