There is a woman who works at Waitrose who I talk to because she has two dogs. I have found, over the years, that dog owners are almost always drawn to each other. A sort of animal magnetism. Sometimes it can just be a smile when someone sees your dogs or a chance snippet of conversation.
It was the latter with the woman in Waitrose. That was a while ago, and now we discuss our dogs whenever we see each other. We have even got to the stage of sharing photographs. She has a Bassett hound, who is her ‘baby’ and a terrier.
And, because I go shopping at the same time in the mornings, I walk by and greet quite a few dog walkers either setting out on, or returning from their morning walks.
Today was no different. I passed four people I recognised. And their dogs. It reminded me of my trips into Farnham, across the park. Except for the general lack of nature, here in car loving Lymington.
I actually had two journeys into the shops today. There were the usual groceries and then a trip to the library to print off a form, which had to be signed and posted, in a very old school way. I have to say, I’m looking forward to having access to a printer again! It will be brilliant not have to have the right change.
Also, like the other day, there was a bit of a queue at the post office. Again, there was only the one person at the counter and a few people with complex questions about things they needed to post. It made my request for a first class stamp rather mundane.
On the way back to the house, I snapped a photo looking down an alley between buildings. It looked intriguing.
It just needed a ghostly figure stood before the door at the end of the courtyard to be complete. Sadly there wasn’t one.