Mother of invention

I managed to take the dogs for a walk after lunch today. I’d already walked to the ICA and was worried my foot wouldn’t last for two walks in a day, but it was fine. Mind you, we only walked clockwise, as far as the activity park before turning around and returning.

Our walk took us around the bottom of Mount Trosa which was being decorated with pretend snow; three big snow cannons were in action on the once grassy slope.

While we haven’t had a lot of snow, not enough to ski on anyway, I have seen groups of kids with sleds walking along the path behind the house. I guess there’s enough for them. Mind you, I reckon they could have used a sled down the slope in summer.

Though it would have hurt a bit if they’d fallen off; rock not being as soft as snow.

While there’s not been snow for the last few days, it has been cold. The temperature today didn’t rise above -4° which explains why I went out tightly wrapped up, tomte-like against it. In the wind, when it blew, the temperature was way colder.

I’d had an earlier taste when I walked to the ICA so I knew how cold it felt. Not that I’d planned to go to the ICA but a text message had changed my mind.

Last week we bought seven light fittings for the stuga. We bought them online from Clas Ohlson, knowing that they would be delivered to the big lockbox at the ICA. The delivery was supposed to happen on Friday afternoon, around the time that we went shopping. Sadly, that didn’t happen.

I had a text yesterday to say the lights had been delivered, along with the code to open the box.

The lockbox system they use includes the dimensions of the object to be retrieved, which is a very good thing. It also said that the parcel would be returned if not collected in five days, which is a lot shorter than Mirinda’s return.

The box was too big for me to carry so I had to improvise.

The logical answer was to use my trolley but, after measuring it, it was clear that the box was a bit too big. I could have taken the little, fold up trolley we have but, I reckon my solution was better.

You really can’t go wrong with a roll of gaffer tape and a shopping trolley.

In the meanwhilst, in London, Mirinda and Amanda went on an eight-mile Christmas lights walk. Nicoline would not approve.

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One Response to Mother of invention

  1. Fi says:

    You are quite the engineer Gaz!! Well done!! Gotta love gaffer tape!!
    The snow looks gorgeous! Wish I was there to help though! Take it easy on your foot!
    Miss you already!! ❤️

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