Jolly hockey stocks

Mirinda has been at a conference the last two days. One of those ‘ra-ra, ain’t we the best’ type affairs which she loves so much. Needless to say, last I spoke to her, she was quite keen on coming home tonight. (Actually, the last I spoke to her she was barely awake, given it was at 7 this morning but the time before that, to be completely accurate.)

The saving grace of the conference was how well BH did in his go kart. He surprised me as I wasn’t expecting great things from him.

Last night they had a black tie dinner and, according to Mirinda, the meaning of black tie was stretched somewhat. In case anyone really needs to know what black tie actually requires, I suggest they look here.

Other than speaking to mum and dad this morning, it’s basically been a rather normal, run of the mill, nothing ever happens around here, day. Of course, there was the usual garden action to monitor. I quite liked this robin but wish he’d moved a little to the right before starting to take off.

Eat and run

I was waiting for a bird food delivery today and stocks of the feeders were dwindling. This meant there was a bit of a rush on the fatball holder. At one point there were blue tits, great tits and starlings all pecking and trying for a bit of lard at once. This little fellow was flapping around, trying to stay on as a starling tried to dislodge him.

The wings can be a fabulous asset

I’m including this last photo because it looks like the blue tit is saying grace before diving onto the floating table.

For what I'm about to receive...

I am a bit concerned with the sudden proliferation of collared doves in the garden. Today I counted a dozen in the tree, all sitting as far from each other as possible, and one on the floating table. Any time one of the tree doves tried to land to eat, the table dove had a right go at it. It was very nasty!

All this is just nature however, I have just read on a bird watching forum that collared doves are, in fact, quite aggressive and will eventually scare off all other birds from your garden. I’m hoping that doesn’t happen but I now feel it my duty to keep an eye on what’s going on.

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