Day-z Bed – year 12

I have been really bad at keeping up the reports on the Day-z Bed which was originally called the Hedge Bed because it replaced a hedge that used to separate us from Neighbour Dave but then became where we put the memorial for Day-z. Given we may or may not be here next year, I thought I’d make a short report today.

But, before I do, I want to discuss a Netflix series I finished today. It’s called If Only (Si Lo Hubiera Sabido) and is Spanish. The reason I want to talk about it, is because it takes place in Seville with lots of overhead shots of the city, along the river. And, in the final episode, there is a scene along the road with one of the tourist horse and carriages trotting along in traffic. But not just that, there’s also some jogging in the park not far from the hotel we generally stay in.

However, the thing I noticed most and which made me feel like I need to return to southern Spain was the appearance of berenjenas being placed on a table for a buffet lunch. It made me want to whip up a batch of berenjenas immediately.

As for the series, I enjoyed it very much. Not least for the glimpses of Seville and the brief scenes in Paris (somewhere else I miss). I felt slightly disappointed with the final episode but, by the final scene, was back in love with it. Now, will there be a series 2? That is the question.

Something else I’ve started to watch is the K-Drama, Kingdom. It’s advertised as being something Game of Thrones fans would like. The Walking Dead would be more apt. There are lots of lovely zombies and truly evil bad guys. I’m thoroughly enjoying it, not least because Bae Doona is in it. The costumes are pretty amazing as well. I particularly love the red hats with beaded straps and feathers.

But, enough TV and back to the Day-z Bed.

We came home to find two very tall, self seeded fox gloves standing proud, side by side. One pink, the other white. They looked very impressive. Though not as full now, you can still see how high they tower.

The rest of the bed has been sadly neglected. This may easily be my final report on the Day-z/Hedge Bed.

In the cricket, Australia batted up until some fine English bowling saw them bundled out. The scores were close to even when the English went in for their second innings. Then rain interrupted play.

Eventually, we had some lovely rain as well. I sat outside in it for a while.

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One Response to Day-z Bed – year 12

  1. Mirinda says:

    Yes it’s hard to know what to spend time on in the garden given our mobile travel
    Plans…. But nature did those fox gloves for us

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