Up early to do overtime, then work late as well – an extra four hours. Amazingly, Nicole finds other ‘more interesting’ things to do (organising her trip to Amsterdam, gossiping on the phone, etc). Stevie still has no connection that works (sounds familiar) and Terry’s playing chess.
Well, that leaves me. At least there are two separate platforms to test and I’m doing one and the others, the other. Let them explain why it’s not done. Of course, Nicole will have a million valid excuses. As usual.
She’s silly to want to get rid of Terry if she agrees with my Theory of Groups because she’ll be the bottom of the pile after Stevie and me. Should be interesting though. Stay tuned for that one.
Got the heebie-jeebies walking down Old Park Lane this morning – will go via the road tomorrow. Very dark, windy, just a dim torch light to guide me. Weird noises too. Gotta go. Freaking myself out all over again.