We had a final, delightful drive across to Nyköping today. We took the last of our stuff to the lock-up. On our return, I looked around the accommodation and rejoiced. Packing the car tomorrow would be an absolute breeze. Mind you, through the joy, I was also starting to feel panic rising from wherever panic sleeps, dormant inside of me.
In order for the dogs to return to the UK, they need to take worming tablets. The tablets have to be taken no sooner than one day and no longer than five days before arriving. When you’re driving from Stockholm to Harwich, this has to be timed very well.
When we went to the vet a few weeks ago (to get the girls their EU pet passports) vet Nina very kindly offered to meet us in a garage car park in order to witness me feed the tablets to the dogs. She would then sign the passports and be off for her weekly visit to Stockholm.
The plan was to text her today. I duly did so at 10:30. When I still hadn’t heard anything by 17:30, regarding time and place, the stress started mounting. I texted again. Then I rang. Still nothing.
We were quickly formulating alternate plans. Could we find a vet between Trosa and Trelleborg? I still had the details of the vet we used last time, but firstly, could we get an appointment and, secondly, would we get to Trelleborg in time?
The last minute stress was a shame because it had been such a lovely day.
We started off with a sleep in…well, Mirinda did. I do not possess the ability to sleep much beyond 6am. I eventually packed the car then we headed for Trosa for a light brunch. We decided to try the restaurant at the harbour but it turned out to be a pizza place so we just had a coffee. Instead, we walked up to Tre Små Rum for toasted sandwiches and a much better coffee.
We also watched a pair of young sisters, using the water spray bottles to keep away the crows. They were, both, excellent shots.
We were wanting another burnt butter ice cream, but the ice cream place didn’t have any left. Instead, and forced into being good, we collected Max and headed for the lock-up. It was great driving weather – not too hot but sunny with some big, boofy, clouds – making the drive a dream. I added the extra things to our unit, then we drove back.
It was a sadness tinged farewell to Trosa that prompted Mirinda to give a joyous pose along the new, completed just before the season started, boardwalk.

And that was it. Oh, except that Nina texted me at 18:30 to say where and when we’d meet up tomorrow. The ever-growing panic, rapidly, shrunk and slid away, returning to wherever it had originated in the first place.