Up at 6, on the road by 6:30. Drove the 15 minutes to Rosslare then sat in the ferry queue till 7:30! There was some sort of hold up but the tannoy was only allowing every 3rd word through so the only message we had was “…ladies…late…Stena…minutes…”. When we finally boarded, the staff weren’t ready to serve tea or coffee so I had to sit and wait. Perhaps the captain slept in. Eventually we were underway.
The journey back was a bit rocky but Denise’s tummy bore up ok and we landed on time. Then we started the long, long journey down to Haslemere. Beautiful weather and moving traffic made the first 5 hours a delight but the final hour was hell as we battled traffic jams galore! The longest and worst part of the journey was trying to get through Liphook around illegally parked cars!
We arrived home at 4, had a cuppa and a rest then went and picked up the manic puppies. Mirinda returned from Leeds at 10:30.
All round, I loved Ireland. The weather was fantastic, the people lovely, the sites we visited well worth the effort. However, next time I will do a lot more research before leaving!