My turn

Following the major puppy clipping of yesterday, it was me in the scissor position this morning. Given I was forced to sit on the loo for far too long first thing, I almost cancelled but whatever has been annoying my gut settled down enough for me to get going and I headed into town.

As I reached the stile at the beginning of the lane I spotted a very odd thing. A pile of dog poo bags which appeared to be filled with other dog poo bags in, what looked like, a sort of green sandbag pile. It was most peculiar.

No, they are not filled with dog poo

Maybe that’s the way they are delivered. Whatever, it seems odd given I’ve never seen it before. And it’s not like I’m a stranger to the stile.

Anyway, I headed to the hair-chair and sat and talked food and relationship situations with my hairdresser until she had me looking completely different after which I went to Starbucks for my first latte of the week. It was then to Waitrose for tonight’s dinner (roast sea bass on med veg).

As I passed the almshouses, I noticed the guy trimming the lead for the small coverings. I stopped and told him what a brilliant job he was doing. I think he was pleased but it wasn’t without due because they do look amazing and I’m fairly certain it’s a bit of a lost art.

The walk home was very telling and I soon realised that I wasn’t quite 100% better. Mind you, the park looked lovely.

Back at home I took a while to recover before taking the girls to the park where I sat on the grass and was pleasantly attacked by every dog that went by. I was sitting on the grass because a couple of canoodling teenagers had my bench and I couldn’t be bothered walking any further. It didn’t bother the girls and I rather liked the doggy attentions.

My hair…though I need a shave

Back at home I made a paleo loaf then waited for Mirinda to get home before making dinner. We then compared health notes before getting back to the Spanish crime drama we’re watching at the moment.

Emma for no reason
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One Response to My turn

  1. Mirinda says:

    So what’s in those doggy bags??

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