Tits and boobies

There was a bit of a feathery flurry in the Talking Newspaper studio today.

Firstly, in the Haslemere edition which I was presenting, David had a story about a bunch of bird watchers reporting on their watching numerous birds. He actually cracked up at one stage which is so not like David.

It wasn’t really that funny but the list of birds seemed like one of the most innocuous, obvious and regularly seen birds. Like “As we walked down the hill we spotted three blue tits, a couple of long tits, a robin, a duck, two crows and a number of sparrows.” Not the most amazing sightings I must say.

Actually David was a bit annoyed because ground had been broken on the Brightwell Scheme in town. It’s something he’s spent the last 20 years trying to improve and now the council had just decided to start. He actually used the ‘f’ word, something I’m not used to hearing at the Talking Newspaper. Quite shocking.

Also reading for me I had Jackie again who had some difficulty saying ‘commemorative’ much to the amusement of us all. Yes, that was very cruel and we were very, very sorry…afterwards. She is a lot of fun regardless of any odd word problems she might have.

Then, as I was about to leave I noticed Lindsay editing away with the next group. She said she’d just been to the Galapagos Islands and was raving about it.

She said the birds were amazing, particularly the boobies. In fact she almost bought an ‘I ❤ boobies’ t-shirt but didn’t want people getting the wrong idea. I said surely that was the point of the t-shirt. We had a jolly good laugh.

And that was basically my day. Well, apart from cooking and cleaning and the usual stuff.

Finally, I meant to include this photo on Monday. It shows the gravel board that Gardener Dave put in and Freya having lined all the bins up nice and neatly.

Freya guarding the bins

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