Farnham White

A few years ago I spotted a report in the Farnham herald regarding the Hogs Back Brewery and their desire to grow the famous Farnham white bine hops. The idea was to grow it in a field next to the brewery. That way, once picked, the hops could be used for a Hogs Back beer and be the least travelled.

I thought this was a brilliant idea. Mind you, the other hops they use don’t come that far anyway but being in the field next door they could just carry them over. The brewery had its first harvest last September.

The only reason I mention this is because yesterday, while in Waitrose, I noticed they had bottles of Hogs Back Brewery’s Farnham White. And, yes, you guessed it, it was brewed using the Farnham white bine hops.

Naturally I wanted to try some but I was walking, so this was a bit difficult. And, given Mirinda was waiting for me in Starbucks today while I went shopping, I bought some this morning.

Oh yes!
Oh yes!

It’s a lovely beer. Almost as lovely as the roast lamb I made tonight…which was just about all I did today. Actually, Mirinda drove me up to the Garden Centre so I could walk around it for a bit. I had to remind her at one stage that anything she purchased wouldn’t be planted by me at the moment. It was a bit of a window shop really.

Lucky Mirinda took the dogs to Thursley for a walk.

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One Response to Farnham White

  1. Mum Cook says:

    Yes I remember you telling me about the Farnham White when I was over there now you are drinking it. at least you are walking a bit more.
    Love mum xxx

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