Today was full of nothing. Even Freya was bored.
Though, for a slight relief, I did take them to the park so Emma could chase a ball and Freya could make friends.
Spotting me sat on a bench, Mad Sally made a beeline for me and asked if I was pretending to walk right around the park while all the time sitting on the bench. She wanted to know if I was telling Mirinda a few porkies. I laughed then showed her my stick. She understood…I think. It’s always a bit hard to tell with Sally.
She was walking her own dog Milly and Fiona and Bruce’s dog Lilly, both golden retrievers. I’ve often wondered if one owner copied the other or it was just a coincidence. I also want to know if there’s a golden retriever called Tilly somewhere in the neighbourhood. If so then the owner really should get Sally to take it for a walk with the other two.
Freya managed to play with a lot of dogs today as well as jumping on a woman as she bent down to pat her own dog. She thought Freya was hilarious and very cuddly.
And that was about it.
Leg still sore. Not sure about going to work Friday. I’ll have to see how I am tomorrow.
You just gave to be patient and give it time to get better 🙁
Yes I am with you Mirinda he should, Have you told me about mad Sally I am so forgetful lately. She sounds so funny.
Love mum xxxx