Rain day

Today we watched an episode of Silent Witness which featured a character in the final scene leaving Britain via the Queen’s Terminal. The character walked along the same walkway that I did with mum yesterday. It was quite bizarre given I hadn’t heard of it before.

It wasn’t the nicest of days today. Apart from the almost constant drizzle which occasionally developed into proper rain, it was also really windy.

Actually this is the longest bout of strong winds I can remember since we moved to the UK. It’s very annoying because just as we have a few windless days, I stand the obelisks back up only to find them once more lying on the ground the next day.

So, basically, it was a day for chilling with Mirinda working on her DBA and me printing stuff for her.

The poor puppies didn’t get a walk.

The only photo I took today was of the construction at Deers Leap. There appears to be a new retaining wall going in as well as an extension.


Stay tuned for future updates.

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