Employment for the elderly

The weather continued to not make its mind up today. A bit drizzly in the morning while mum dragged me around the shops (she’s the only person I know who likes wandering around the supermarket to “see what they’ve got”) but settling down to merely grey in the prevening.

Not content with window shopping in Waitrose, mum also wanted to wander the displays in Elphicks where I was told off (by her and some other woman who apparently understood) for hurrying her along.

Given the laissez faire attitude, it took us three hours to get back home where the puppies gave looks of unabashed annoyance between bouts of boisterous leaping.

Following a very late breakfast mum volunteered to make herself useful by counting and sorting all of our change. This might sound a bit pointless but we have a lot of small change scattered around the house in various receptacles. In fact, some of the biscuit tins could be used as anchors for oil tankers.

I left her to it and went out to the office to do some work.

In the afternoon I took the girls to the park while mum continued her counting and sorting.

Following yesterday’s bench photo, I think it’s only fair to include this one today.


I have no idea who this Bob chap is or why his birthday card is wrapped around the bench but there is a guy who sits on this bench every day, rain, snow or sun…so it might be him. The bottle caps regularly appear in the slots between the slats. I quite like the look although I’m vehemently opposed to littering.

On our way back, through Badger Wood, we noticed someone’s attempt at woodlands art. I’ve seen them before but don’t think I’ve ever featured them in the blog. Apologies if I’m repeating myself…I blame old age.


Of course, the Avenue of Trees was as beautiful as ever and definitely requires inclusion.


But back in the Counting House, by the time I had to clear mum off the dining table she had managed to bag up £66 in 1p, 2p, 5p and 10p coins. That should cover her meals for this week.

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