Suffice it to say that by the end of today, the lamp had a shade on it and everything fitted beautifully. That’s because we returned to the store (again) and I insisted they refund me the money for the shade with the big centre ring and I would take my business elsewhere.
But before I go too much further into that…here’s a calming picture of the litter presently all over Farnham.
All those leaves! It’s starting to look as bad as our terrace. It’s the kind of litter I don’t mind. As opposed to this kind, at any rate…
Don’t get me wrong. I have no problem with someone remembering either Susan or Taurus with a bunch of flowers. What gets me is the fact that the person left the plastic wrap on them.
I mean, seriously, what were they thinking? I guess the point is they weren’t thinking of anything but themselves.
Obviously they weren’t thinking of Susan or Taurus. I assume they both enjoyed walking in the park otherwise why have a bench named for them. I also assume that, like most dog walkers, they would really not like a park full of clear plastic wrap which takes about 10,000 years to break down.
And it’s not like it’s that hard to rectify. There are plenty of bins in the park. How hard would it be to unwrap the plastic, leave the bunch of blooms then throw the plastic away as you leave?
But never mind. It’s something I see a lot and it just irritates me. And speaking of irritation…
I told the guy at the lighting shop what he could do with his shade and the pointless cradle. I was all prepared to fight it out with him but he defeated me by being reasonable. Bastard.
He not only gave us a full refund, he also explained how the shade cradle is actually a very handy device.
Defeated and unhappy, I returned to Max and we set off back to Farnham, hopefully for the final time this week.
Once there, we bought out Laura Ashley before heading home.
The weather has been ghastly all day and my cold even worse. Hopefully I’ll go to work tomorrow.
Now we have 2 grumpy poohs
Hope you get rid of it before Sunday xx
Love mum xx