Sherbert lemons

When we eat at the Albion (almost every Tuesday night) we generally sit at the same table. There’s no real reason why we chose the table over any of the others, but, being horrendous creatures of habit, Nicktor and I have always sat there. Imagine our distress when we turned up tonight and two ladies were already firmly encamped there.

We were momentarily thrown into confusion, looking about for alternative locations. Eventually we settled for a table on the opposite side of the bar, under the Christmas tree.

All was fine until our meals arrived. The lady who usually delivers them, obviously recognised our order and went straight to our usual table. When she eventually found us, she told us off for moving, having forced her to walk twice as far. We assured her it hadn’t been our idea and she should go and evict the two women sitting in our place.

The landlord entered into the discussion, saying he would reserve it for us, in future. When we eventually left, the barmaid asked us if we were coming in next week. When we said we probably would, she said she’d hold our table. I think we’re now regulars.

Tonight’s film offering was a British crime movie called Hard Boiled Sweets. Though it tried a bit hard and the script wasn’t very good, the plot was excellent. The twists that started appearing from about halfway through and continued to the end, were delightfully unexpected and perfectly placed for maximum surprise. We gave the film 5/10 because of them. If they hadn’t worked, it would possibly have scored a meagre 2.

I particularly liked the clue given at the beginning of the film when one character says:

“There’s three things you need to worry about in the outside world. Money and women.”
A pause.
“And what’s the third thing?”
“You’ll work that out.”

In the context of the film, this is quite clever.

Meanwhile, over at the Rec, the Mighty Shots could only manage a draw against Farnborough in the Hampshire Trophy. They lost the subsequent penalty shoot-out, 5-4. Most memorable (apparently) was the fog that came down late in the game, making the goal disappear. Clearly, this didn’t help. I’m rather glad we didn’t go.

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One Response to Sherbert lemons

  1. Well arn’t you two special you had better make sure you tell them you wont be in the week you are in Vienna.
    love mum x

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